Russia News

Exploring a border citybetween China and Russia [Video]

Tongjiang is a city of 160,000 in northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, located at the confluence and on the right banks of the Songhua and Amur rivers, the latter of which marks the border with Russia. Russian content creator Anna Yuschenko, also an international student at Tsinghua University, visited the city during the Wurigong Festival of the Hezhe ethnic group. The Wurigong Festival is an annual event held on the 15th day of the fifth month in the traditional Chinese calendar, lasting for two or three days. Rooted in the customs of the Hezhe ethnic group, the festival embodies the essence of “Wurigong,” which translates to “celebration and joy” in the Hezhe language. The warmth and hospitality of local residents made Anna feel right at home, while shops with Russian signage told her timeless tales of exchanges between China and Russia.

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Russia News

Ukraine and Moldova launch EU membership talks, but joining is likely to take years | KLRT [Video]

BRUSSELS (AP) The European Union on Tuesday launched membership talks with Ukraine, a decade after Russian troops seized the Crimean Peninsula to deter the country from moving closer to the West, part of a chain of events that set the two neighbors on the path to war. Ukraines accession negotiations were set in motion []