Sweden News

How Sweden’s youth homes nurtured killers, creating Europe’s gun crime capital | U.S. & World [Video]

By Johan Ahlander

GOTHENBURG, Sweden (Reuters) – The killer was only 14 and had lived in youth homes as a ward of the authorities since he was eight.

A year ago, a gang helped the boy escape, put him up in a hotel and gave him cannabis, food and new clothes. Six days later, gang members told him it was time to repay them for their kindness. They had a job for him.

Together with another youth, the boy, who as a juvenile cannot be identified, shot dead a 33-year-old Hells Angels biker. He was convicted by a court which described the case as a gangland contract killing.

As he was too young to be sentenced, he was handed back to social services and sent to another youth home.

Sweden has long prided itself on one of the world’s most generous social safety nets, with a state that looks after vulnerable people at …

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Sweden News

Julian Assange: WikiLeaks controversial founder [Video]

Julian Assange, who was announced on Monday to be in a plea deal with US authorities that will see him go free, is for some a fearless campaigner for press freedom. But for others, the 52-year-old Australian was reckless with classified information, possibly endangering human sources. Assange is the figurehead of the whistleblowing website that