Russia News

Russia summons the American ambassador over a deadly attack that Moscow says used US-made missiles WSOC TV [Video]

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the American ambassador on Monday to protest what it says was the use of U.S.-made advanced missiles in a Ukrainian attack on Russian-annexed Crimea that reportedly killed four people and wounded more than 150.

Washington “has effectively become a party” to the war on Ukraine’s side, the ministry said in a statement, adding, “Retaliatory measures will certainly follow.” It did not elaborate.

There was no immediate comment from U.S. or Ukrainian officials. The Associated Press could not independently verify Russia’s claims about the missiles used.

Kyiv’s forces have relied heavily on Western-supplied weaponry since Russia’s invasion more than three years ago. The military aid has been crucial in allowing Ukraine to hold the Kremlin’s army at bay, with few major changes along the 1,000-kilometer (620-mile) front line in eastern and southern Ukraine for many months.

Some Western countries have hesitated over providing more — and more sophisticated — help for Kyiv’s army because of concerns about potentially provoking …

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Russia News Spain News United Kingdom News

Energy Minister calls on global investors to invest in Ghanas energy sector [Video]

The Minister of Energy, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, has urged global energy leaders and experts to invest in Ghana's energy sector, which is being developed to support economic growth, enhance citizens' quality of life, and lead in sustainable energy in the sub-region and beyond.

Russia News

Russia presses its offensive in Ukraine and issues new threats as the West tries to blunt the push Boston 25 News [Video]

Slowly but steadily this summer, Russian troops are forging through Ukraines outgunned and undermanned defenses along the front line of the battlefield in a relentless onslaught, prompting the West to push for new weapons and strategies to shore up Kyiv