Sweden News

Swedish court acquits former Syrian general of war crimes charges [Video]

A Stockholm court on Thursday acquitted a Syrian former general of war crimes charges, saying prosecutors had not proved his involvement in the attacks carried out during the country’s civil war.

Former brigadier general Mohammed Hamo, 65, who lives in Sweden and was one of the highest-ranking Syrian military officials to stand trial in Europe. He stood accused of “aiding and abetting” war crimes in the first half of 2012.

The Stockholm district court said that while the Syrian military had used “indiscriminate attacks” at that time, the prosecution had not proved that Hamo’s division had been involved in those attacks, or that he had had a role in providing arms for the assaults.

Prosecutors had argued that Hamo, in his role as brigadier general and head of the 11th division’s armament unit, had helped coordinate the supply of arms and ammunition to units involved in attacks near the towns …

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