United Kingdom News

Woman duped into spending 2,000 on two new iPhones made of clay | Weird News [Video]

A woman was left stunned when two iPhones she bought from an online seller turned out to be made of clay.

The 36-year-old businesswoman spotted the pair of iPhone 15 Pro Max’s for sale on a social media marketplace and contacted the seller, who asked to meet in person to complete the transaction.

She told local media the seller seemed trustworthy, and gave her his home address.

‘He was constantly posting his face all over the internet, so to me, it was very clear that everything was genuine’, she said.

The woman and her husband went to his home in Belo Horizonte, Brazil and chatted normally for a short while, but things suddenly turned ugly when she tried to open iPhone boxes and see what was inside.

She recalled: ‘He said, “You’re not going to open it, the gun is at my waist. No need to be suspicious, everything’s fine, the phones are there.”

‘I couldn’t see what …

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