Ukraine News

How gas prices have changed in Mississippi in the last week [Video]

by: Stacker



Gas prices are trending lower, and experts don’t anticipate an increase any time soon. Slack demand at the pump and stable oil prices have kept any increases in check. The lower prices ahead of the Memorial Day weekend are typical.

“There are seven states with county gas averages at less than $3 a gallon,” AAA spokesperson Andrew Gross said in a statement Thursday. “This trend will likely accelerate as more gas outlets east of the Rockies drop their prices.”

The Energy Information Administration released its forecast for summer gas prices and anticipates a $3.70 national average over the course of the season, implying prices slightly higher than today’s average.

Other measures affecting gas prices are also working in Americans’ favor. Refinery utilization is a measure that, when low, can push prices for customers upward. Today …

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