Turkey News

Mum, 23, ‘nearly died’ after 1,600 gastric sleeve operation in Turkey | World News [Video]

A young mum was put in a coma and stranded in Turkey after having a £1,600 gastric sleeve operation performed by a surgeon she found on Instagram.

NHS worker Chloe Quick, 23, booked the surgery just two days before going under the knife after a previous company botched her booking.

With non-refundable flights already booked, Chloe, from Herefordshire, scrambled for an alternative.

She found it on Instagram.

A seemingly ‘reputable’ account with 14,000 followers advertised the weight loss surgery for some £500 less than her previous provider.

They even offered a chat with the surgeon and their patients over WhatsApp, something the ‘others weren’t offering’, Chloe’s friend Leah Mattson said.

‘It does sound rushed’, Leah, 23, said, ‘but she really did do some research’.

She added: ‘This company promised better care and lower prices than the last company and made her feel she was in 100% safe hands.’

Despite the rushed booking, and the …

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Turkey News

Turkey sentences pro-Kurdish politicians to lengthy prison terms over deadly 2014 riots | KLRT [Video]

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) A Turkish court on Thursday sentenced several pro-Kurdish politicians to between nine and 42 years in prison over deadly riots in 2014 by Kurds angered by what they perceived to be government inaction against Islamic State group militants who had besieged the Syrian border town of Kobani. The three days of []